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The Patriot Movie Poster

December 24, 2012

Benjamin deeply mourns and briefly wavers in his commitment to continue fighting, but is resolved when reminded of his son’s dedication to the cause. Martin’s militia, along with a larger Continental Army regiment, confronts Cornwallis’ regiment in a decisive battle. The redcoats seemed to defeating the patriots until Benjamin rallies the troops to push forward against the British lines and Tavington personally targets him. The two dueled where Tavington’s sword gain an upper hand over Martin’s tomahawk. As Tavington prepares to finish him, Benjamin rises up with a musket, wounds him in the abdomen with the bayonet and delivers the coup de grâce, avenging his sons’ deaths. The battle is a Continental victory and Cornwallis is forced to retreat. After many retreats, Cornwallis is besieged at Yorktown, Virginia, where he surrenders to the surrounding Continental Army and the long awaited French naval force. After the conflict ends, Benjamin returns with his family and discovers his militia men rebuilding his homestead, previously destroyed by the British Soldiers, whose orders came from Tavington to burn it more

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